Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Today while I was at work, I heard a story. One that made me want to help someone out for their Christmas. They have two kids and while they can afford their bills and even some gifts for their kids it is a very tight squeeze. Basically, where my thoughts are going with this is that I have decided to go to Walmart and I will buy a couple presents for the kids. Leave them with her and make sure it is a completely anonymous thing to do. Christmas is not just about me. I wish that other people would set themselves in this mindset. 

If YOU were in this person's place how would you feel? You will not want hand outs but it would be great to receive a little help once in a while. I think that this is something more people need to try and do. I think that helping someone else out once in a while will make you feel amazing. Instead of only giving during the Christmas holiday, extend your heartfelt actions and even gifts to the middle of the year. 

You will without a doubt feel amazing after you help someone. Not only will you feel amazing but you will let the people you give to feel like they have more hope. You will be a living testimony of what Jesus Christ always does and has done for us. 

Just stop and think while you are running around in all of the bustle this year.

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