Thursday, December 20, 2012


After a long day of yard work I feel rather accomplished. Mom, Matt and I built a fire pit, set up fencing, and mowed the yard. Hard work may not be fun at that exact moment, but at the end of the day I enjoy the feeling of being tired and knowing that all of that hard work will pay off in the morning when I can see the results. 
“Romans 15:13  May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

Tomorrow is a big day for my family and friends as we all head out to Orlando World Paintball. We have so many people going to play and it should be awesome! I am so excited about going with the people we are. I am excited about using my gun and shooting people! I am nervous about trying out a full sized air ball field, woods ball, and hyper ball fields. I do know that I will have the time of my life tomorrow and not a single person can ruin that for me!
So… I realized today… Actually I have been realizing this for a while now, that I have way too many songs on my computer that I do not even like. I have them and never listen to them. They take up space and they are pretty useless and often get in the way. This makes me think about my life. It makes me think about what I have in my life that I can clean up and get rid of. 
My first though is doughnuts (Fat Pills). However, if I am thinking more in depth, I may come to the conclusion that music, movies, friends, and habits can all be in that category of music that I never listen to.
So I am curious as to what all I can clear out. I am constantly trying to improve myself and this may be a place to start. By taking out my dirty laundry. 
What do you have in your closet that you need to get rid of?

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