Monday, December 24, 2012

The thoughts that run though people's minds when they hear the word... crazy, impulsive, brainless, foolish, and even painful. They are absolutely correct, it is all of the things above. 


The paintball field is a place for the community and even family to grow. Once you join this sport you will never be able to go back. We are one family of adrenaline junkies who are always searching to better ourselves and we are looking for the thrill of a challenge. 

When I started playing paintball over a year ago it was just my dad, my brother and myself. We traveled out to Action Paintball in Winter Haven, Florida. It was our first time at this field and we were so excited! I used a chest protector, rental gun, full blown BDU's and I hadn't the slightest idea of what I was getting myelf into. I started off hiding in the back and letting everyone else get hit before I did. I looked around and was terrrified of getting shot by this flying ball!

Little did I know about the sport. I also had not realized that the adrennaline rush I experienced from this sport was going to become an addiction that I could not overcome. I have met people that I never imagined I would. I have built a business around photographing the sport. I even work at the local paintball field. Through this sport I have become a person of my own. I do not think I can describe it well in words but I can make my best attempt at it.

A few years ago I was going throgh school and all I wanted was to fit in. I tried to fit in with the country crowd and I did not live on a farm and I did not care to hunt so can you imagine where that left me? I became friends with the kids who skate and I decided to walk away from that group because I was in complete disagreement of where they were at in their lives. I ended up in the nerds group. I got along with the guys well enough but the girls absolutely hated me. It seemed like they thought I wanted to take their boyfriends or their crushes or whatever you would like to call it away from them. Sadly enough, I just wanted to be friends with them beause that is the only place I was accepted and I still could not be myself.

As college came around I was in my Junior year of high school and I was atteding college almost as a full time college student. For the first time in my life I was able to be in a mixed group of people where everyone was a different age and ethnicty and even a clique. Because I went through being friends with so many different types of people in middle school and high school I was comfortable with being around anyone. I became a girl that nobody could stick into a cookie cutter classification system of people. I wore big belt buckles, vans, and concert tees. I would wear whatever I wanted and I for the first time ever, was not looking for anyones approval.

Paintball all played into this. I showed up at the field wearing military pants and jacket and using a rental gun. I started at the bottom of the totem pole. That is when you are molded into the person you are. I have friends that go out and play in sandals, paintball pants and a tank top. (To an extent I have folowed this pattern except for the sandals) People may have $2,000 guns or they may have one that cost them $300. It does not matter. We all become one big family. We could tape our guns together to make them still work and it won't matter. We all get along.

What you wear and what you drive does not matter. Your attitude and capabilities is what we look at when you are on the field. This mentaity has been taken off the field and into school and work and regular every day life. Paintball players carry this mentality that they are not better than you (even though we play a sport that is absolutely amazing) we do not sit and judge you on your looks. You may be a fantastic person and you may have great skills that we just have not seen yet.

I fit in with my paintball family. The people who just didn't quite fit in either.

I love hearing people who say that paintball is crazy, painful, expensive, pointless, and dumb. However, I beg to differ. I believe it is one great sport that beings people together no matter where they are from and who they are.
Paintball has been such a great experience and such a life changing sport.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


After a long day of yard work I feel rather accomplished. Mom, Matt and I built a fire pit, set up fencing, and mowed the yard. Hard work may not be fun at that exact moment, but at the end of the day I enjoy the feeling of being tired and knowing that all of that hard work will pay off in the morning when I can see the results. 
“Romans 15:13  May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

Tomorrow is a big day for my family and friends as we all head out to Orlando World Paintball. We have so many people going to play and it should be awesome! I am so excited about going with the people we are. I am excited about using my gun and shooting people! I am nervous about trying out a full sized air ball field, woods ball, and hyper ball fields. I do know that I will have the time of my life tomorrow and not a single person can ruin that for me!
So… I realized today… Actually I have been realizing this for a while now, that I have way too many songs on my computer that I do not even like. I have them and never listen to them. They take up space and they are pretty useless and often get in the way. This makes me think about my life. It makes me think about what I have in my life that I can clean up and get rid of. 
My first though is doughnuts (Fat Pills). However, if I am thinking more in depth, I may come to the conclusion that music, movies, friends, and habits can all be in that category of music that I never listen to.
So I am curious as to what all I can clear out. I am constantly trying to improve myself and this may be a place to start. By taking out my dirty laundry. 
What do you have in your closet that you need to get rid of?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Today while I was at work, I heard a story. One that made me want to help someone out for their Christmas. They have two kids and while they can afford their bills and even some gifts for their kids it is a very tight squeeze. Basically, where my thoughts are going with this is that I have decided to go to Walmart and I will buy a couple presents for the kids. Leave them with her and make sure it is a completely anonymous thing to do. Christmas is not just about me. I wish that other people would set themselves in this mindset. 

If YOU were in this person's place how would you feel? You will not want hand outs but it would be great to receive a little help once in a while. I think that this is something more people need to try and do. I think that helping someone else out once in a while will make you feel amazing. Instead of only giving during the Christmas holiday, extend your heartfelt actions and even gifts to the middle of the year. 

You will without a doubt feel amazing after you help someone. Not only will you feel amazing but you will let the people you give to feel like they have more hope. You will be a living testimony of what Jesus Christ always does and has done for us. 

Just stop and think while you are running around in all of the bustle this year.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Orlando Paintball 12/18/2012

Well I must say, it has been a really fantastic December thus far. I have tried to do new things often. I have a goal to continue doing silly things that most people may not try. 

Today was my first day playing at Orlando Paintball and it was a pretty neat place. There were about eight different fields. There was one speedball/airball field, two indoor fields, and several scenario and hyperball fields. 

These were a few of the guys that were out at the field with us and it was pretty amazing how we all got along like we knew each other already.

I must say, the paintball community is one of its own. People connect and network in unbelievable ways. All you need to do is know one person who plays paintball and I guarantee you, you will meet people who you never imagined you would. I started playing paintball over a year ago and it was with my dad and my brother. It was amazing to me because I was so scared the first time I played. After that first time, I became very addicted to the adrenaline rush that I received from the sport. At that point in time I did not know a single person who played speedball. That has changed so much. I now know people all over the world who play paintball and who are fans of the sport. 

Today at the field I met new people, checked off playing indoor paintball, and checked off playing at OP. I think I did pretty well!

Monday, December 10, 2012

First Night of Lights

 This is a little lighted forest.
 This house has angels, snowflakes, and so many more.
 This house is unique in a way that it wraps its trees with lights.
This home has a singing angels choir in the front.

Let us know what you think! 
Send us pictures! Post to our Facebook we would love to hear from you!


The beginning of Christmas Light Judging

Now that Christmas is upon us, it is time for us to begin the judging of lights on houses. We will judge them on December 31st and we would love for you to send us some pictures of the homes that are decorated in your area.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Creative Eye

Each day I am amazed more and more by what the world brings to the table. It has been almost a year since I last posted on this Blog. I have since begun my own business, I have two jobs, and I am a full  time college student. I am focused yet so busy! 

I have begun a December Photo a Day Challenge hosted by FatMumSlim and it is amazing to me how so many people look forward to taking pictures. Being that I own a Photography Business I am obviously a lover of taking photos. I look forward to taking pictures of things that people may not catch with their eye on first glance. I want to be the photographer to catch the angles that not many people see from. 

Try it out! Post your photos to ALY Photography
We would absolutely love to see what your creative eye does.